Tuesday, September 23, 2014

You're going to do WHAT to my grapes?!

We bid adieu to Brian and Berni this morning, went over to the Vancouver temple for a quick visit, and then we headed back to the border.
The border guard asked if we had acquired anything in Canada.  Berni gave us some grapes and bananas to snack on during our drive, so I told the guard about the fruit.  He said we could keep the bananas, but the grapes would be confiscated, frozen to an ultra-cold temperature, and then incinerated along with other items banned from entering the U.S.  He also took the remainder of our California apples, because they were not labeled and therefore could not be proven to be worthy of re-entry into the United States of America.  Since he didn't ask if we had acquired anything else, I didn't tell him about the amazing honey and almond butter Brian gave us.  I'm not giving up the honey.  I shan't do it!

Then we drove back into Washington . . .
. . . and back to the shellhouse!
Finally got to see the original Husky Clipper.

 How many people can fall asleep holding their feet in the air?  Douglas......so talented.
 We made it to the Tri-Cities area where we stopped by a softball game to say hello to Aubrey, one of Sam's former roommates.  Driving through Richland, Sam and I agreed that we would put it on our list of potential places to live in the future.  Nice area.
 I love the Columbia River temple as well.

Douglas didn't want to go to sleep tonight.  He wanted to hang out with the big people.

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