I'll explain the title of this post below.
Big D and little d had some man time yesterday afternoon while Mommy attended the Cardston temple. We relaxed on the temple grounds while trying to keep the cold breeze off us.
Little d took a nap.
We visited the Remington Carriage Museum.
Did you know that George Woolf, legendary rider of Seabiscuit, was born in Cardston?
Fay Wray, actress in the old King Kong movie, was also born in the Cardston area. This fountain was built in her honor.
Upon completion of our second visit to Canada we drove south to spend the night in the Ben and Jana home, and I had a blast chatting with their three funny (and smart!) children.
Explanation of the title of this post: I was talking to the kids while Douglas was jumping up and down on my leg. I mentioned that I hoped Douglas wouldn't squirt out his diaper onto my leg. Jackson, who was off to the side listening quietly and playing with his Legos, chimed in with a short story. I'll paraphrase it for you: "One time I was sitting on my Dad's face and I puttsied on his face." At the word, "puttsied," I laughed and flashed back to my own youth when we used that word in place of other words that refer to the release of toxic fumes from the posterior. I couldn't believe it! I hadn't heard that word in 20 years, maybe more. So thank you, Jackson, for bringing back that humorous memory. Now I want to know where that word originated. In all my internet searching, I could find only one reference to the word: http://www.you-can-be-funny.com/Dictionary-Of-Todays-Words.html (scroll down to "puttsy"). When did the Hammond family start using it? Where did the word come from?

I had my plans laid out perfectly. We would stay with Jana and Co. Friday night and hang out with them Saturday morning, and then we would drive down to the Billings temple around noon on Saturday, because the temple is normally open all day on Saturdays. However, Sam called the temple yesterday and found out that due to the Women's Conference scheduled for Saturday night, the temple would be closing after the 10:00AM session. Oh no! How could I come this far and not attend the Billings temple? Sam, once again, was kind enough to sacrifice some sleep in order to help me fulfill my goal. We drove away from Great Falls at 5:00AM this morning, tired, through a hard rainstorm, and made it before the temple closed for the day.
One of the temple workers recommended a good breakfast place for us (we were hungry!) in Billings.
And boy did we enjoy it! That's the biggest pancake I've ever seen.