Sunday, October 6, 2024

Dissecting owl pellets, Douglas and Penny piano concert, fall hiking, two new babies, sports photos

From Sam on 21 September:

This evening for Penny’s science course on birds, we dissected sanitized owl pellets. Owls cannot digest the fur or bones of the animals they eat, so they spit them back up in a pellet. If you dissect a pellet you can see the bones of the animals (mice mainly) that an owl ate (they swallow their prey whole which is why the bones don’t break). Kind of cool and kind of gross. Douglas didn’t enjoy it as much as the girls. 

Saturday, September 28th: Penny participated in her first piano concert.

Sam took the kids out for a fall hike.

Friday, October 4th: baby blessing for Maverick (son of Kate and Clayton). Kate and Jori are pictured here holding their babies (Maverick and Monroe), two of the three new little ones recently born into Sam's side of the family.

Maverick and Monroe
Maverick, Douglas, Kendrick, Penny, Schofield, Monroe, Harrison, Diana, Ivy
Spencer and Doug are in the back.
Douglas holding baby Maverick when Kate, Clayton, Ivy, and Maverick came to our home for a visit.
Penny finished her first season of softball. Here she is with her teammates and coaches.

Diana finished her first season of soccer.

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