Friday, November 1, 2019

Chemo Treatment #3

Pain stayed so long
(author unknown)

I said to him today,
"I will not have you with me anymore"
and paused there startled at the look he wore.
"I who have been your friend,"
he said to me, "I who have been your teacher
--all that you know of understanding love,
of sympathy and patience,
I have taught you.
Shall I go?"

He spoke the truth,
this strange unwelcome guest;
I watched him leave and knew that he was wise.
He left a heart grown tender in my breast.
He left a far, clear vision in my eyes.
I dried my tears, and lifted up a song
even for one who'd tortured me so long.


Sunday, October 27th:

The kids went to Grandma's house for the night. Sam and I watched an inspiring movie called The Fighting Preacher and we enjoyed a quiet evening together.

Quite the example of going through hard things together in the early years of marriage.


Friday, November 1st:

At the new Farmington facility for her third round of chemo. Notice the colored rocks outside the window.
 Encouraging notes painted on the rocks outside the window.


A couple more examples of acts of kindness from our friends:
A sister in our ward (our church group) came over with some of the young women to wash our windows.
We love you!
 Sam frequently uses this book for cancer-fighting recipes.
Sam's mother, Margaret, along with some of her neighbors, provide Sam with a weekly supply of this "magic mineral broth" (a healthy, cancer-fighting vegetable or beef broth from the aforementioned book). I (Daniel) have not yet tasted the broth, but it sure smells good.

I love seeing firsthand how you amazing friends and family members are literally helping to keep Sam alive and well through your acts of service.


And last, but certainly not least, a few random photos:

 Baby Diana has been pulling herself up anything she can climb lately. She reeeeeally wants the legos on the lego table.
 Thunder thighs! There's our future speed skater.
 Douglas and Penny making cookies at Grandma's house.
 Kate and Taylor (Sam's sisters) took Douglas and Penny out trick-or-treating on Halloween.
Douglas dressed up as Martin (from the Wild Kratts TV show), Taylor was a pineapple, and Penny was a narwhal.

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