Friday, August 11, 2023

Fun in Washougal, Washington!

Last week Grandma and Sam took the kids to Washougal, Washington to play with Stacie, Andrew and their two children, Lydian and Tristan. They had a blast in that gorgeous area.

Playing games.
Grandma, Tristan, Douglas, Penny, Lydian, Diana
Stacie reads to Diana while Lydian and Douglas play a game. Andrew is in the recliner and Grandma is enjoying the scene.
Andrew joined in the games on a different day.
Playing in the nearby Columbia River.

Douglas having fun with the sand.

Sam relaxing on the tube.
There's that cute smile from Diana.
Another cute smile! Penny loves digging her holes.

Sam: What are you doing?
Douglas: Putting mud all over me.
Sam: So, you will cover yourself in mud but you won't touch dirt (in the garden at home).
Douglas: [Ignores the question and runs off to the river.]

Lydian talking to Stacie.
Lydian burying Diana's legs.
Penny eating Pringles.
Diana with a sand castle.
Tristan and Diana examining the clam they found inside a shell. Sam told them they could eat it. They didn't like that idea.
Diana on the tube.
Upon returning from the river, Douglas and Lydian (still in their swimming suits) jumped into a bubble bath.
Penny, Diana, and Tristan had fun in the bath as well.

Saturday morning they all attended a baptism, followed by a visit to another river to play. This river, the Washougal River, is much smaller than the Columbia River.
Stacie and Lydian

Douglas and Tristan skipping rocks.
They also played at Hathaway Park.

Three lovely ladies: Stacie, Margaret, Sam
Nature scavenger hunt. They all had books with various tasks to complete.
Tristan checking things off his list.
Talent show in the living room. Here is Lydian singing to the audience.

Tristan getting ready to cast a spell from his Harry Potter book of spells (with the book held upside down).
Now with the book right-side up, the spell is cast. Wingardium Leviosa!
They found Diana's favorite flower - Hydrangea
Using magnifying glasses and the sun to burn leaves on the sidewalk. Andrew in his military uniform.

Penny, Lydian, Diana
Tuesday morning stroll through the forest.

Tuesday afternoon (August 8th) they gathered at the Portland Temple where Stacie and Andrew were sealed together for time and eternity.

Tristan running to Stacie and Andrew as they came out of the temple following the sealing ordinance.

Stacie and Andrew with Lydian and Tristan.

Sam, Douglas, Penny, Diana
Back row (left to right): Margaret, Doug, Sydney (behind Sam), Stacie, Andrew, Kevin (Andrew's twin brother), Austin (far right).
Front rows (left to right): Becky (Kevin's wife), Lexie, Sam, Penny, Tristan, Diana, Douglas, Landon (behind Lydian), Lydian.

Lexie, Sydney, Landon, and Austin are children of Becky and Kevin.

A beautiful end to a beautiful trip!

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