Sunday, December 8, 2019

Chemo Treatment #8

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
- 2 Timothy 1:7


Sunday, December 8th - from Daniel:

On Friday I had the privilege of taking Sam to a gathering of young mothers going through treatments for various types of cancer. The gathering is organized annually by Kim White (, a young mother with a very rare type of cancer who also happened to play soccer with Sam back in high school.

Each year a number of young mothers with cancer are nominated to take part in this gathering. Someone (or a group of someones) nominated Sam this year and she was selected to be among the 30. The meeting was full of emotion and very inspiring. Kim asked the young mothers to introduce themselves and take a few minutes to tell everyone about their types of cancer and their experiences so far. Some, like Sam, had just begun their counter-cancer battles. Others, like Kim, have been fighting for years. Each story was unique. 

At the end of the gathering each of the 30 young mothers received a sack containing items (blanket, hats, etc.) donated from various businesses, a very nice designer bag full of all kinds of gift cards and other items, and a check for $1000. The gifts were nice, but in my opinion the experience of hearing from those young mothers was priceless. I spent a good portion of the meeting chatting with Kim's husband, Treagan. It is good for the husbands and/or caretakers to talk to each other as well.

To the person (or persons) who nominated Sam, thank you for giving us this wonderful experience.


Friday, December 6th:


Some of the sisters in our ward (our church group) made this blanket for Sam. They wrote their favorite quotes or scriptures in between the squares.
Douglas and Penny watching Grandpa Ogden shine shoes.
"You missed a spot."
Penny likes the supine position, anytime, anywhere.

Sometimes I wish I could pack cute little Diana on my work trips.

Diana searching the fridge.
"I'll take these cucumbers."
"You caught me!"

1 comment:

  1. We love you and pray for you! Call me when you get a half second. Jon and Bonny
