Thursday, September 29, 2016

Oopsie daisy and stroller workouts

This is Doogles' personality most of the time.
Whenever we go vacuum the car Douglas plays with his reflection.
Trying to get creative so I don't go nuts.  Speaking of nuts, Douglas frequently says "Ah, nuts!".  Then he tells us Uncle Nate taught him that.  Funny.
Pretty sunset along the river during one of my many walks.
I took Doogles to visit the local Catholic church.
It's beautiful inside

I love the stained glass throughout the church.
I have a 30+ pound weight named Douglas, and I walk miles each day, but whenever I want some extra exercise I work my abs on the bed.

I use water to exercise my shoulders and triceps.

I use our Bob stroller for biceps and squats.  By the way, I love our stroller and I'm glad Sam insisted that we bring it.  Douglas has been all over this little city thanks to that stroller.

Remember when I said that Douglas is no longer so willing to give me a "Cheese!" when I point the camera at him?  Well, he certainly was willing yesterday.  I took him to a really neat play area near our apartment.  We spent over four hours there and Doogles loved it.  I actually really enjoyed it as well.

One mother brought her young child to play.  He had a significant amount of "stuff" coming out of his nose as he crawled in and out of the ball pit.  I give Doogles three days before he is sick again.  Hopefully I'm wrong.  Children.......little disease carriers.  I'm changing the meaning of the title of my blog.  S = Sam.  D = Daniel.  d = disease-carrier.

I taught him to say "Timber!" whenever we felled a Lego tower.

Sam takes her hearing aids out at night.  She doesn't hear this, but it takes me a while to fall asleep when I'm lying next to this heavy breathing.
 Sam may be able to escape the breathing, but neither of us can escape the movement.  Whoever "sleeps" with Douglas does not actually sleep, but instead takes multiple short naps interrupted by Doogles' position changes and sleep-talking.  Last night I took a turn with him.  I folded up his little blanket to try to keep him on his side of the bed.
 One hour later.  So much for my blockade.
Two hours later.  It will be wonderful to return to our house and put him in his crib on the other side of the house.
I love the European appearance of many of the homes/apartments on these narrow streets.
 We toured the Palais de Congres (now the opera house), which was the temporary home of the French government from 1940-1944, when Germany occupied France.


He found himself

Okay, I just devoured yet another croissant.  Now I can sleep.  Bonne nuit!

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