Sunday, November 27, 2022

Coloring the facsimile, Primary program, Pinewood Derby, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Thanksgiving, Penny loves Mrs. Claus

Sam walked into the living room one afternoon to find Diana, scriptures open and coloring pencils in hand, adding some color to facsimile #3 in the book of Abraham.

Douglas and Penny participated in their Primary program this month. As you can see in these images, I participated as well.

Douglas made his first Pinewood Derby car this year. He named it Jackson Storm. Aside from the fact that I'm a bit biased toward my son, and the fact that I didn't see any of the other cars in the competition, I think Douglas had the coolest car. As for car speed, Douglas's car was in the middle of the pack. Not the fastest, but not the slowest either.

Diana and Penny decided to wear the same outfit one day.
I spent a few hours one Sunday making some drawings for Sam and the kids, and then I sent them home for Thanksgiving.

Grandpa Doug bought tickets for Sam and Douglas to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert just before Thanksgiving:

Douglas said he loved the music . . .
. . . and the massive churros.
The Washington D.C. Temple is ready for its annual Festival of Lights.

Douglas and Penny got to spend a night with their Aunt Taylor at a fancy hotel in Salt Lake City. Diana, who wasn't feeling well, stayed home with Mom. The next morning they all got to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus at the hotel. As you can see, Penny was thrilled to be standing next to Mrs. Claus.
Penny, a bit happier with some distance between her and the Claus couple.
I received some cards/notes at the hotel this week from Sam and the kids, including this card from Douglas. I guess I need to work harder. 😁 You will notice Douglas left out a superlative adjective. Knowing how smart my son is, I think he did it intentionally. Now he can fill in the blank with "best," "coolest," "worst," etc., depending on how he's feeling. If I'm making him work too much one day, I could be the "worst" dad ever. If I buy a LEGO set for him, I imagine "best" would be the word used. 

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