Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Penny is easily offended these days.  Doogles took a marker and drew a face on a balloon.  Penny went to kiss the face on the balloon and I lunged for it saying, "Nooo!"  But I was slightly too late.  She hates being told "No."
I'm enjoying the kids........most of the time.
Grandma brought the kids out to help me rake leaves.
Penny and Grandma

Watching the musical fountain at Station Park.
Prepping the pumpkins for Halloween.
Most of the paint ended up on the pumpkins, but not all.
"Come closer.  I want to touch your face."
 This was last Friday, if I remember correctly.  We went to Provo to visit Granny and Grandpa, and while there we attended the chili cook-off held by their ward.
Grandpa enjoying a variety of chilis and salads.
Some of the fruits of Sam's pumpkin carving.
More raking and stomping.  We fit as many leaves as we could in that container.
Penny and Douglas helping stomp the leaves down.  They also threw plenty of them back out of the container.
Penny likes to dance with me.  I put my hand out, ask if she would like to dance, and she knows exactly where to put her hand.

"Aunt Taylor," Sam, Douglas, and Penny.  I couldn't decide which photo to include, so I included all four.  "Aunt Kate" also visited us tonight.  They all went trick-or-treating while I manned the door at our house.

Look at those two cute little crayons.

 I looked through my 1996 high school yearbook this past week.  Here's a note from my sister. :)
Remember the recent Kavanaugh hearing?  This is why you don't judge someone based on what people write in their yearbooks.  This is from my 1996 high school yearbook.  I have no idea who "Jimmy" is.  And why in the world would he write something like that?!  Because it's high school and people say (and do) stupid things in high school!

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