Monday, June 17, 2024

Happy 7th Birthday to Penny!

We celebrated Penny's 7th birthday today.
Penny wanted to do some indoor rock climbing for her birthday. The three youngest Agle boys, and Denali and Grandpa Ogden, joined us for the fun.
Left to right: Penny, Jesper, Diana, Sam, Douglas, Daniel, Paggy, Oskar, Denali

Penny requested an Oreo cookie ice cream cake. It was a great choice.

Opening presents. Penny received this t-shirt from her favorite aunt, Taylor.

Ball fight in the basement.
Denali has donned this tiger suit at our home many times over the years, but she's getting too tall for it.
We went to the church parking lot to try out Penny's birthday present from Grandma - bouncy stilts. Penny loves them.

Clearer versions of the three videos above:

Oskar "King Curls" waiting for his turn to wash feet after playing barefoot in the church parking lot.
I'm including this photo of "King Curls" to comment on the burritos you see on the counter. I made 24 burritos (with nothing but canned refried beans inside) on Sunday. They were all gone by tonight. Sam made another big batch this evening. The kids eat them like candy.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Layton Temple Dedication

Sam, Douglas, and I attended the Layton Temple dedication today. Elder David A. Bednar, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, offered the dedicatory prayer after making some remarks. One of my favorite quotes from him was, "We get excited about 350 temples. [Pause]. You ain't seen nothin' yet."

He also related a story about an interaction he had with President Gordon B. Hinckley years ago. Speaking about building temples and the gathering of Israel, President Hinckley told him, “David, things were not better in Joseph Smith’s time. Things were not better during Brigham’s time. We now have the capacity and resources…I only have one regret. That I won’t be alive to see it. But you will.” 

Elder Bednar told us that we are the “YOU.” He said we are living in the greatest season this dispensation has ever seen and that we should thank the Lord everyday for being allowed to live in this great time.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Layton Temple Trek 2024

 Today our Stake held an Activity Days event called the Layton Temple Trek 2024. We met at an elementary school near our home and walked just over four miles to the Layton Temple, which will be dedicated one week from tomorrow, on June 16th.

Representing our ward, the Fox Pointe Ward.
The youth were told lanyards would be provided for them to take an ancestor to the temple with them.
Douglas chose to take his great-grandpa, Opal Hammond.
Douglas holding up the sign for our ward to gather before heading out on our trek to the temple.

Elliot holding up our sign.

The young women in our ward set up this great stop for the trekkers, passing out Otter Pops and spraying our faces to cool us down.
Each of the wards took a group photo upon arrival at the temple. Our Stake presidency held the banner in the center of the photo.
Short devotional after everyone arrived at the temple.
We all sang "I Love To See The Temple" together.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Happy 40th Birthday, Joseph!

 I took the kids down to Provo today to play at Granny's house and celebrate Joseph's birthday. Sam stayed home because she hosted a baby shower for Stacie this evening.

Before the birthday celebrations, we stopped at UCCU to get a free gift. The kind employees gave sunglasses to each of the kids.
We also stopped at a neat LEGO exhibit in the library on BYU campus. Sara and her fiancé, Jared, met us at the exhibit along with Gideon, Maxwell, and Denali, and Jared's 15-year-old son, Cole.
Douglas built a little LEGO Layton Temple and held it up next to a very impressive LEGO version of the Salt Lake City Temple.
Diana built her own tiny temple.

Douglas, Diana, Penny, and Denali next to a LEGO wall.
Penny in front of LEGO Jesus.

Denali, Diana, and Penny next to the LEGO version of the Washington, D.C. Temple.
Preparing to celebrate Joseph's birthday.
Here's the higher quality version of this video:

Cole, Gideon, Maxwell, Diana, Denali, me, Penny, Granny, Joseph, Douglas