Sunday, February 11, 2024

Douglas plays Sonatina in C Major


Mom's Super Bowl Sunday Sacrament Meeting Talk

My dear Mother has not attended Sacrament Meeting in person for years. Her health does not allow her to sit for long periods of time without severe pain. She was asked recently if she would be willing to record a short talk to be shown in church. She decided instead to try to give her talk at the podium, which she did today. When the time came for her to deliver her remarks, Joseph wheeled her to the front of the room in a wheelchair, and Dad helped her to the podium. She did great!

Because I'm currently out on the east coast, I watched her talk via Zoom. I missed the first minute or two of her talk in the recording below, because I was taking screenshots of her standing at the podium. So, she sent the first part of her talk to me, as follows:

"My friends, it’s so good to be with you on this holy, sacred, sabbath, super bowl Sunday.  I can smell the bar-b-que chicken wings simmering in your slow cookers, the salsa and chips, the brownies. We’re going to cheer on our dear Brother Andy Reid, and Fred Warner, even Brock Purdy, a fine Christian. We have our fantasy football cards all ready to go. I’m just kidding.  I have never seen a super bowl football game in my life. Personally, I avoid sports programs or reading the news, or watching things that don’t help me keep the spirit of the Sabbath. That’s a rule I chose for me but not for others. I like the weekly break from the noise and contention. I like staying in the spirit of the Sabbath. 

"That’s why I love the focus the Church has on doctrines instead of rules. But, funny thing, studying the doctrines leads to personal and family standards. But we leave people alone to figure it out for themselves."