Saturday, June 8, 2024

Layton Temple Trek 2024

 Today our Stake held an Activity Days event called the Layton Temple Trek 2024. We met at an elementary school near our home and walked just over four miles to the Layton Temple, which will be dedicated one week from tomorrow, on June 16th.

Representing our ward, the Fox Pointe Ward.
The youth were told lanyards would be provided for them to take an ancestor to the temple with them.
Douglas chose to take his great-grandpa, Opal Hammond.
Douglas holding up the sign for our ward to gather before heading out on our trek to the temple.

Elliot holding up our sign.

The young women in our ward set up this great stop for the trekkers, passing out Otter Pops and spraying our faces to cool us down.
Each of the wards took a group photo upon arrival at the temple. Our Stake presidency held the banner in the center of the photo.
Short devotional after everyone arrived at the temple.
We all sang "I Love To See The Temple" together.

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