Monday, June 17, 2024

Happy 7th Birthday to Penny!

We celebrated Penny's 7th birthday today.
Penny wanted to do some indoor rock climbing for her birthday. The three youngest Agle boys, and Denali and Grandpa Ogden, joined us for the fun.
Left to right: Penny, Jesper, Diana, Sam, Douglas, Daniel, Paggy, Oskar, Denali

Penny requested an Oreo cookie ice cream cake. It was a great choice.

Opening presents. Penny received this t-shirt from her favorite aunt, Taylor.

Ball fight in the basement.
Denali has donned this tiger suit at our home many times over the years, but she's getting too tall for it.
We went to the church parking lot to try out Penny's birthday present from Grandma - bouncy stilts. Penny loves them.

Clearer versions of the three videos above:

Oskar "King Curls" waiting for his turn to wash feet after playing barefoot in the church parking lot.
I'm including this photo of "King Curls" to comment on the burritos you see on the counter. I made 24 burritos (with nothing but canned refried beans inside) on Sunday. They were all gone by tonight. Sam made another big batch this evening. The kids eat them like candy.

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