Saturday, May 11, 2024

Douglas turns 10

 Douglas turned 10 years old today. Taylor's birthday present to Douglas was a trip to an indoor surfing place in Ogden. Douglas had a blast!


As usual, this blog site won't let me embed a vertical YouTube video (YouTube Shorts). So, click on the links below to see Sam on the boogie board:

Or, you can watch them here, although the quality isn't as good:

Following the surfing, they went over to Farr's Ice Cream for a treat.

When they returned home, I got on FaceTime to watch Douglas open his presents.

This evening, Grandma and Grandpa Coombs, on their way home from the airport, stopped by to celebrate Douglas's birthday.
Sam made this cool LEGO cake for Douglas.

The flowers are LEGO sunflowers. Douglas loves LEGO and the sunflower is his favorite flower.

Happy Birthday, Douglas!

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